Wir generieren qualifizierte Leads, um Ihr Verkaufsteam zu unterstützen
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"You have the right to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information on a going-forward basis, as sale is defined in the CCPA or other similar regulations. You may request to exercise this opt-out by filling out the below webform."
IMPORTANT NOTE: As described in our Privacy Policy, BESTDATANET SRL only collects, uses, and shares Business profiles. We take reasonable steps to ensure that Personal Information that is not related to your business identity is removed from our service.
You may also exercise this opt-out by emailing us at privacy@bestfoodimporters.com and providing sufficient information to us so that we may process your opt-out request, in particular the information requested below. We may request additional information to verify your identity on a case-by-case basis.
Please enter your full name (required), as well as one other field below. please allow 24 hours for the removal to take effect.
BESTDATANET SRL will never share the information you insert when filling this form or using our products. We will use your information in order to remove you from our database.