Get in touch with 32,572
active food importers worldwide

Discover reliable buyers in 199 countries. Analyse their company profiles, products and brands, and connect with them using our database of accurate, updated contact details

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Email Addresses


Direct Dials

Expand into new markets,
create new connections

Get daily fresh leads and constant updates with our easy-to-use database, accelerating your productivity and providing rapid results.

Key Features

Locate Buyers for Your Products

Find food importers for very specific products, from different regions worldwide, using our advanced filtering system.

Get New Leads

Up to 500 companies are added each month, providing fresh leads and new opportunities for exporters.

Analyse Size and Financial Details

We provide global financial data such as sales figures, number of employees, date of establishment, registration number, for most companies.

Reach the Decision Makers

More than 70% of the companies in our database include the purchasing department’s contact. We also provide details about their social media profiles, giving a choice of strategies for getting in touch.

Work with the Latest Information

We verify each entry, making sure that email addresses are valid and that contact details are up to date.

Get Reliable Support and Updates

We offer free support and access to the latest features for all our users, for the duration of their subscription.

Real Stories from Real Customers

Get in touch with 32,572
active food importers worldwide

Discover reliable buyers in 199 countries, analyse their company profiles, products and brands, and connect with them using our database of accurate, updated contact details

More Data for More Opportunities






Email Addresses


Direct Dials

Export to new markets,
create new connections

The only databases choice that offer fresh leads every day and constant updates, accessed through a super easy-to-use interface, boosting productivity and delivering fast results.

Key Features

Locate Buyers for Your Products

Find food importers for very specific products, from different regions worldwide, using our advanced filtering system.

Get New Leads

Up to 500 companies are added each month, providing fresh leads and new opportunities for exporters.

Analyse Size and Financial Details

We provide global financial data such as sales figures, number of employees, date of establishment, registration number, for most companies.

Reach the Decision Makers

More than 70% of the companies in our database include the purchasing department’s contact. We also provide details about their social media profiles, giving a choice of strategies for getting in touch.

Work with the Latest Information

We verify each entry, making sure that email addresses are valid and that contact details are up to date.

Get Reliable Support and Updates

We offer free support and access to the latest features for all our users, for the duration of their subscription.

Real Stories from Real Customers

See how the platform works and how we can help you reach active food importers