5.000 Extra Contact Persons and a New Filter to Sort Companies

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1 min read

We are excited to announce a couple of new features available in the BestFoodImporters platform: Secondary Contact Person and an extra filter that allows sorting companies based on their number of employees.

The first major upgrade will unlock contact details for over 5.000 additional contact persons for the users who are subscribed to our 12 months plan, increasing their chances to reach an interested partner. The new contacts are all selected based on their job description and we only include professionals who are import managers, buyers or handle purchasing. The additional contact persons will be available in the Company Details – Contact Person section.

The second improvement which arrives as part of this BestFoodImporters Spring update is a filter called Employees Range and adds an additional way to sort the food importers, distributors and retailers from the database based on their size. Knowing the size of a company can be important for a number of reasons but mainly it is an indicator of financial stability and growth potential. The filtering options are 0-1, 2-10, 11-50, 51-200, 201-500, 501-1000, 1001-5000, 5001-10.000, and 1000+ employees.

We are constantly working to improve our software and make it more useful for our users. These new features exemplify our commitment to providing the best possible tools for analyzing companies and reaching valuable leads. Thank you for your support and feedback!