Global Food Import/Export News Highlights – March 2021

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2 min read

Brexit food import checks delayed to 2022 

As a result of Brexit`s new trade regulations, jeopardizing many food businesses, the UK government has confirmed a delay in border checks on food imported from the European Union, to alleviate pressure and give UK food importers time to prepare. Initial checks were to take place gradually from April 2021, but have been currently further delayed to 1 January 2022.

Reasons implied in this judgment covered the government`s off the cuff Brexit adjustments, including timely border checkpoint infrastructure and Coronavirus disruptions. On the other hand, the government`s decision also comes to alleviate financial loses and potential shortages in the food supply chain serving the United Kingdom, assuring proper supply to customer demand.

Pakistan’s food imports soar ahead of Ramazan

Compared to the same timeframe of last year, food import into Pakistan surged significantly to 40% and remained high over the past months, as food importers prepared their stocks for the oncoming holy month of Ramazan.

Moreover, according to PM`s Imran Khan office, a new ordinance is already drafted and ready to aid the marginalized community ahead of the holy month of Ramadan. The Pakistan Food Security Flow and Information Ordinance 2021 is said to help regulate prices for essential foods like sugar or wheat, prices that have been reported highly increased – respectively 23% sugar and 8.4% wheat – compared to the same timeframe of 2020.

FDA issues new food import alert and seizes imports 

On 12 March, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a new food import alert concerning the billion-dollar dietary supplement industry. The recent alert warns about dietary supplements ingredients containing higenamine, a stimulant used in weight loss and sports supplements, that`s also banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and has not yet proven sufficient information about its safeness.

As FDA`s Import alerts inform the public of Detention Without Physical Examination (DWPE) of products that violate the FDA regulations, Import alert 54-18 has been activated when two Chinese companies intended to import products containing higenamine to the US, without filing an NDI notification, prior to the import, resulting in the products being seized.

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